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Yoga Therapy

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Recommended Books -

Structural Yoga Therapy: Adapting to the Individual (book) by Mukunda Stiles


Book Description: This is a book intended for serious teachers and practitioners who want to use yoga to bring complete balance and harmony to their bodies. It is written to help people understand, in detail, how the yoga postures impact affect the structure of the body.

Readers will learn "body reading" to determine what posture reveals about their body alignment and muscular imbalances. Author Mukunda Stiles shares his extensive knowledge of kinesiology, joint mobility and muscle strength. One of the highlights of the book is its extensive information on joint freeing exercises, which which may be of interest to people with stiff, unbalanced and immobile joints.

Overcome Neck and Back Pain - (book)

(Click the link above for price, reviews and more info)

Description: Videos, books and doctors all too often suggest ways to manage back and neck pain, but not to eliminate it completely. Through an easy four part program of structural analysis and correction a series of through yoga based exercises, Overcome Back and Neck Pain provides ways provide permanent pain relief.

Interesting Links for Yoga and Health:

Article on the National Multiple Sclerosis Society site on the benefits of yoga for people with MS. Written by Shoosh Crotzer, an exercise and yoga therapist who specializes in helping people with chronic diseases. Also see Randomized controlled trial of yoga and exercise in multiple sclerosis

Yoga-Based Intervention for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Researchers from the Department of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine found that yoga therapy was more effective than wrist splinting or no treatment in relieving some symptoms and signs of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Yoga for Heart Disease - Researchers from the Yale University School of Medicine found that people who practice meditation and yoga at least three times a week may reduce their pules, blood pressure and decrease their risk of serious heart disease.

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