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Yoga for Hypothyroidism

The endocrine system, especially the thyroid, regulates one's metabolism. Many yoga practitioners believe that yoga can have a positive and stimulating impact on the endocrine organs, especially the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

The compressing, stretching and twisting of the yoga postures is thought to help to massage the endocrine organs, regulating their function, improving blood flow and nourishing them at the cellular level.

According to Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine, the most effective yoga posture for an underactive thyroid is the shoulder stand. (The Indian name for this pose is Sarvangasana, meaning "all the body.")

As one of the inverted poses, the shoulder stand reverses the normal effects of gravity and allows blood to flow from the legs and feet into the neck, where the thyroid gland is located. By sending oxygenated blood to the neck region, Ayurvedic practitioners believe the thyroid is nourished and stimulated, which in turn assists in weight loss, improves circulation and increases one's metabolism.

Click here for directions on how to do the shoulder stand .

Other poses often recommended by yoga teachers and Ayurvedic practitioners for thyroid stimulation include the head lift, wall hang, fish pose and bridge pose.


Disclaimer: The yoga poses and alternative health treatments presented in this web site are for general information and discussion purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for proper medical advice. Not all of the the yoga poses illustrated in this site will be suitable for all individuals, especially individuals with existing medical concerns. Consult your physician before beginning any yoga or other new exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns such as pregnancy, detached retina, glaucoma, back or neck pain, high blood pressure, heart disease, prior surgeries, etc. The Yoga Place and its owners do not assume responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these techniques. Read the rest of our disclaimer and terms of use.




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